Scientific Committee
International and Interdisciplinary Conference “A Future for Whose Past?”
Monte Verità, Ascona, 22–24 October 2025.
InterviewForthcoming. The Parental Home: Growing up in the Pestalozzi Children’s Village, Maria Kouvari, Interview with Argyris Sfountouris, A Future for Whose Past?, AG Denkmalschutzjahr 2025, ICOMOS Suisse, Denkmalpflege der ETH Zürich, Hier und Jetzt, 2025.
Forthcoming. Kinderheim Mümliswil. Erste nationale Gedenkstätte für Heim- und Verdingkinder in der Schweiz, Maria Kouvari im Gespräch mit Guido Fluri, Architekturgeschichten, Bulletin 1/5 Netzwerk Kulturerbe Schweiz, 2025.
Book Chapter
Forthcoming. Bordering through Care: Buildings for Youth and Nation Building in Northern Greece, 1947–1967, The Architecture of Borderlands, Routledge, 2025.
Conference Presentation
Children’s Bodies in Buildings: Narratives of (Dis)embodiment, AHRA 21 International Conference, Norwich, 21–23 November 2024.
Conference Presentation
Collective Life, Collective Memory: Children’s Institutions in Twentieth Century Switzerland, International Conference “The Architecture of Need,” Lisboa and Évora, 29–31 October 2024.
Journal Article
Dissonant Heritage of Care: Children’s Towns in Postwar Greece, in collaboration with Silke Langenberg, Erschütterung. Erde und Erbe in der Krise, AKTLD, No. 33 (August 2024), 114–119.
Session Chair
Buildings and Technology, 8th International Congress on Construction History, Zurich, 24–28 June 2024.
Chair of Architecture and Care, FS24, Studio Reproduction, ETH Zurich, 23–24 April 2024.
Invited Guest LectureThe Heritage of Children: Sites and Buildings, invited guest lecture, Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation, Lecture Series “Future Heritage,” ETH Zurich, 28 March 2024.
Conference Presentation
Dissonant Heritage of Care: Children’s Towns in Postwar Greece, Annual Conference AKTLD, Zagreb, 28 October–1 September 2023.
Contested Histories: Revisiting the Built Heritage of Children in Greece, Maria Kouvari, with Kostas Tsiambaos, Kritische Berichte, No. 52 (2024): 44–51.
Conference PaperTranstemporal: Unlocking Time in the Architectural Discourse, in collaboration with Regine Hess, Critic|all: V International Conference on Architecture Design & Criticism, Delft, 10–11 October 2023.
Research ProjectMinor/s’ Heritage: Built Swiss Child Aid in Greece, 1944–1956, doctoral project (advisors: Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg, Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete), Zurich, ETH Zurich, 2022–2025, kindly supported by the Foundation for Education and European Culture and the Sophie Afenduli Fondation.
Conference Presentation
Between Modernity and Regression: Tourism Landscapes for Children in Postwar Greece, International Symposium “Towards New Summers,” Ravenna, 15–16 September 2022.
Conference Presentation
Emergency in the Longue Durée: A Historical Retrospective of Housing Policy in Greece through the Lens of Resilience, Research Committee 21 Conference, Athens, 24–26 August 2022.
Conference Presentation
Bordering through Care. Architectures for Children in the Postwar Northern Greek Borderscape, SAHGB Conference, 16, 17, and 20 May 2022.
Exhibition PosterResilientes Bern: Der öffentliche Raum in der Corona-Pandemie, Symposium “Junge Berner/innen–Berner-Baukultur”, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Volkshaus, Biel, Switzerland, September 2021
Invited TalkGreek Social Housing in a Nutshell, ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE, Zurich, ETH MAS Alumni Meeting, Zurich, 31 March–1 April 2017.
Seminar WeekPeople on the Move: Understanding Greece as an Arrival Country, ETH Zurich, workshops with the Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum, the Municipality of Athens, and the NGO Odysseus, Santorin, Athens, and Lesvos, 23–29 October 2016.
Research ProjectSocial Housing in Greece – A Study on State Policies and Outcomes, ETH MAS in Housing, ETH Wohnforum – ETH CASE, Zurich, 2016, kindly supported by the Foundation for Education and European Culture.
Book ChapterA New Vernacular: Typology, Construction, and Aesthetics, in collaboration with Heechul Jung, Housing Cairo: The Informal Response, Ruby Press, 2016.
Exhibition Catalogue‘Hellenische Renaissance.’ The Architecture of Theophil Hansen (1813–1891), contributor, B&M Theocharakis Foundation, Athens, 2014.
Exhibition Collaborator‘Hellenische Renaissance.’ The Architecture of Theophil Hansen (1813–1891), exhibition, B&M Theocharakis Foundation, Athens, 23 October 2014–18 January, 2015.